Saturday, January 06, 2007

Guns 'n Houses

Now here's a novel marketing idea: give a Glock with every house you sell. That's what one innovative real estate agent is doing in Houston where, incidentally, you don't need a license to own a hand gun. And it's not as crazy as you might think, because she is restricting the offer to law enforcement officers who buy a house for more than $150,000. But it got your attention, didn't it? And it got nationwide coverage from Fox News and others.

So I started thinking, if a free gun is an incentive in Texas, what could work in other states? Here in Maryland, a crab feast or bull roast might be attractive – wouldn't it be nice to walk out of settlement knowing that your housewarming party is already catered?

Water-loving clients might be tempted by a sunset cruise and overnight stay - a "Boat & Breakfast" - on a schooner out of historic Annapolis. Right now, the favorite incentive might be tickets for the Ravens' playoff game…if you could get them.

Whether it's a Glock or hard-to-get tickets, your state probably has something unique that would make a great, attention-grabbing incentive.


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