A Presidential primary in Maryland is not unusual - it happens every four years. What's different this time around is that the "Potomac Primary" (Maryland, DC, and Virginia all vote the same day) is getting national attention in the races for Democratic and Republican nominees.
So if you haven't already done so, now is the time to decide who you will vote for in the national, state, and local elections that take place tomorrow, February 12. There will certainly be change no matter which candidate gets the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, so be sure to have your say about who that is.
The pundits and the national media are watching the national delegate counts for the nominating conventions, but you have more choices that are just as important. There are Congressional primaries, county school board elections, and judges to be elected as well in Maryland.
You can read up on the candidates in voter's guides that newspapers and websites offer. The Washington Post has pages devoted to the candidates here: http://tinyurl.com/2xtpbo.
Scroll down and click on either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party and you'll find information on all the candidates. On each candidate's page you learn about their funding and read their statements on the various issues. That same first page on the Post also has information on Congressional candidates, judges, and school board candidates by county.
With your decisions made, you're ready to vote come Tuesday morning. If you're not sure where your polling place is, go to the polling place locator site of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. You enter your name, zip code, and birth date; the site will confirm your voter registration, party affiliation, polling place, and tell you which U.S. Congressional district and Maryland legislative district you live in.
That's it. You're ready. The 2008 elections will affect every person's life, so make sure your voice is heard. VOTE Tuesday, February 12!
Labels: maryland primary, maryland vote, polling place, potomac primary
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