Monday, May 12, 2008

OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT! $3,000 for Buying Into Baltimore

Live Baltimore's "Buying Into Baltimore" program offers a $3,000 grant toward settlement costs for buying a home in Baltimore City. There are two homebuying fairs, one for the West side in May and another for the East side in September, and both offer tours of homes available for purchase. The event is produced by the Live Baltimore Home Center and the $3,000 grant is provided by the City of Baltimore. The fairs provide homebuying education opportunities and introduce participants to the variety of Baltimore's neighborhoods and housing styles.

The tours are normally held on Saturdays, and for some buyers that is not a day they can participate. Today, CHAI (Comprehensive Housing Assistance Inc.,) of Baltimore is conducting its annual open house tour of the CHAI neighborhood for prospective homebuyers. This is the only opportunity in 2008 to be eligible by attending a non-Saturday event.

One of the homes on the tour is at 3806 Clarks Lane in Upper Park Heights; it's one of my listings that will be open this evening at 6:15. Please do stop by!

CHAI invites all Prospective Homebuyers to attend its annual OPEN HOUSE TOUR

Monday, May 12, 2008
5:00 - 8:00 PM
at the
Jewish Community Center
5700 Park Heights Ave.

  • Come to learn how you can qualify for other loan and grant programs
  • Meet with realtors, lenders and other housing professionals
  • (Please provide your own transportation)

Click here to see the flyer ( for this event.
Call 410-466-1990 x-0 to register or Email:

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