Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Making Hay When the Sun Don't Shine!

Down market? For two CyberStars ®, Dianne Dunn and Leigh Brown, there are ways to thrive and survive, and they are going to share their success strategies. Usually CyberStar events are for members only, but on February 24 Dianne and Leigh will be panelists with moderator Allen Hainge on a webinar that's open to everyone. Even better…it's free!

CyberStars LogoThe CyberStars® are a unique group that was created by Allen Hainge. There are only 200 top real estate professionals from the U.S, Canada, Australia, and the Bahamas in this group that focuses on using technology to build success. I've been a member for several years now and absolutely love this group of giving and caring people. I've learned so much from them while making some wonderful friends.

Dianne DunnLeigh Brown Dianne and Leigh have a great topic: “Making Hay When The Sun DON'T Shine: Surviving & Thriving in a Down Market.” That's certainly something we can all use today. The webinar is going to be an hour and a half chock full of information, beginning at 7:30 pm Eastern on Tuesday February 24. You can read more about it and register here (remember, it's free): http://tinyurl.com/bvs329.

Put it in your schedule right now. And I'll "see" you there!

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