Friday, June 18, 2010

Two Events..One Tank of Gas...RainCamp and NAWBO in DC

RainCamp was a fantastic time for me as you know. What I haven't talked about yet is what I did just prior to RainCamp. The night before I was lucky enough to spend some quality time with my dear friend and publisher Peg Silloway at the opening reception for the NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners) national conference, "The Power of One"  being held this year in DC.

What is so special about NAWBO?   My very  first NAWBO meeting is where Peg and I met..more than 20 years ago,  This was pre-real estate when we both were in different careers.  NAWBO was born 35 years ago in DC so it was fitting that this celebration year convention  was again held  back "home."
NAWBO Conference Program
The opening reception was held at the National Museum of Women in the Arts, a gorgeous venue with elegant curving marble staircases rising from the ground floor to upper level galleries. The NMWA was founded by Wilhelmina Cole Holladay, and her portrait is prominent on the first floor.
Not far away was this cat with his fish; I had to include this one for my friend and her Cat Lover's Book of Days.
Portrait of Wilhelmina Cole Holladay Cat and fish for the cat lover

As elegant and traditional as the inside of NMWA is...outside the museum there is a series of colorful and playful sculptures by Nikki de Saint Phalle. They dance and play along the median for several blocks near the museum – certainly eye catching!
Sculpture by Nikki de Saint Phalle  HomeRome Realty
There was a good contingent of members from the Baltimore Regional Chapter of NAWBO including past president Deborah Stallings who also serves on the national NAWBO board. It was fun to meet Kelly Stallings from Houston and watch her and Deborah try to figure out if they are distant cousins.
Peg Silloway, Deborah Stallings, Margaret Rome Kelly and Deborah Stallings
You might remember I talked about NOT being in the "30 under 30 crowd" – these shoes reminded us of earlier days while wondering how some of the women survived the standing-room-only reception on marble floors!
Young feet high heels
The NAWBO reception was a great warm-up for the energy and enjoyment of RainCamp. And it was so convenient for me…I got to go to two huge events on one tank of gas!

Two Events on One Tank of Gas...RainCamp  and NAWBO in DC!


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