Tuesday, August 17, 2010

SentriLock Boxs..Easy To Use...Safe and More....

 SentriLock Boxs..Easy To Use...Safe and More....
Here in Maryland we use SentriLock a good product, safe, easy to use and keeps records of all who use the lockbox. This is such a convenient feature to find out who kept their appointment and any return showings. It also is a good record to show our sellers the different agencies who have accessed their home.
It's Not Lockboxes...It's How Agents Use Them!
                                   SentriLock HomeRome RealtySentriLock Cover HomeRome Realty  SentriLock Card Reader  HomeRome Realty
Just recently the SentriLock system gave us a neat renewal feature. The card needs to be updated every week. Sure I made a note on my smart phone calendar...but now it is even more convenient.

This is the email message recieved on my phone today
"Your SentriCard(#xxxxxxxx)is set to expire at midnight on Wednesday August 18th, 2010. Please renew your SentriCard at your earliest convenience."

How simple to have this handy reminder...never have to worry..did I renew?... when do I renew?"  Love the new "assistance".
It's Not Lockboxes...It's How Agents Use Them!

 SentriLock Boxs..Easy To Use...Safe and More....

Author of Real Estate the Rome Way


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