Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When will there be a Baltimore Open House? When would you like it open?

 When will there be a Baltimore Open House?  When would you like it open?
Open House Balloon Sign HomeRome Realty
Being featured as the Open House Master by Realtor Magazine this past March, I still feel the traditional open house is more beneficial for the agent than for the seller.  I really enjoy doing unusual Open Houses...Opens that bring attention to the property.

Realtor Magazine's Open House Master Video is Here! First ActiveRain Open House Update!  
Take a look a few that I have done:

Active Rain's First Open House Gathering - Day One  I loved having the AR group and especially Lenn Harley in attendance. This was a happening and I am glad to see other members are following. Check out Erica Ramus.
Then there was  A Three-Day Open House! Yes...Three Full Days!  
and another Thursday evening event Piggy TRAC Bar B Que Open House!  ...this one  was picked up by the Washington Post.,, the story on the front page of the REAL ESTATE section including a mention of Active Rain! Turns out I didn't need to run around and buy copies of the Post; the article is all online.


When someone calls and asks when will there be an Open House. My reply : When would you like it open?

This sign is always in my car. So when  showing any of my is not unusual for me to place this open house balloon sign.  It can go right on the post sign, it can be staked in the ground or I can even place it in the back window of my car. Never again do I blow up balloons or drive (in danger) with a car full of balloons.
Open House HomeRome Realty
Like every thing in Real Estate keep trying new and proven things, Find out what bring results...Open Houses Work...Just Not All the Time!

When will there be a Baltimore Open House?  When would you like it open?

Author of Real Estate the Rome Way
410-530-2400 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              410-530-2400     


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