Sunday, November 21, 2010

Moon Over Baltimore

Driving home this(Saturday) evening, could not help but notice the absolute beauty of the moon. The full moon is actually tomorrow November 21st but it looked close enough for me.
Loved the way you could  see the  jet trails.

     Moon Over Baltimore HomeRome 410-530-2400       Moon Over Baltimore HomeRome 410-530-2400

Decided to step outside and see the moon's position from my house. With so many trees around, it is not usually visable. But since we now have some naked trees...this is what I captured.

      Moon Over Baltimore HomeRome 410-530-2400        Moon Over Baltimore HomeRome 410-530-2400

                            Moon Over Baltimore HomeRome 410-530-2400

If you shoot for the stars and hit the moon, it's OK. But you've got to shoot for something. A lot of people don't even shoot.


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