Sunday, July 15, 2012

Welcome to The Pikes In Pikesville

Welcome to The Pikes In Pikesville

Two weeks ago we completed an offer at The Pikes in Pikesville.  A few years ago we talked about  various places that contracts are signed  like bowling alleys, churches, synagogues, front steps and even on the wing of a plane.

My most recent was in a former movie theater now a restaurant. The sellers were having dinner and I was waiting for the contract offer. It came through in time for TLH and me  to meet the family at the The Pikes.

It is fun combining social life with business. I was able to slip to another table with each owner while signatures were obtained and the contract ratified. The others, not involved in the transaction, continued with dinner and lively conversation.

Pikes Movie Screen used to be here at THe Pikes

The Pikes is located at 921  Reisterstown Rd. in Pikesville 21208  across the street from Mr. Chan's

This restaurant was a former movie theater with art deco, neon lighted marquee, colorful "friends" and the old movie camera is part of the decor. The Pikes has live music. Our friends The Halcyon Dream Band will be performing Saturday July 21st at 9:00 PM. Will you join us?

Movie Camera at the Pikes  The Pikes colorful friends 
                    The Pikes colorful "friends"  The Pikes 

The Pikes The Pikes

Uh oh ...someone started their meal before I had time to photograph. Obviously these people were not bloggers because they did not heed the message "Don't Eat That Yet!"

Welcome to The Pikes In Pikesville

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