Saturday, September 29, 2012

A good time was had by all!

ActiveRain 9/29/2012 Chesapeake Beach

Meeting this morning in Chesapeake Beach were a bunch of the best ActiveRain members!

Here is a photo of Fernando, Rich, Cheryl, Margaret, Martha, Dr. Stacey, Jan, Lenn, Bridget, Tim, Clair and Diane.

ActiveRain 9/29/2012 Chesapeake Beach

 There are a few missing so go Check out Steve's blog and video. In total, we had 16 walkers and a dozen stayed for breakfast at Traders.

We were able to combine a wonderful get together of top agents and a charity walk for Ovarian Cancer.

For other recounts of the day, take a look at Rich's photos. 

....and  Dianne Phillip who came with her daughter.

We are pleased to announce that 100 % of the walkers generously participated and $450 was raised. There are still some people who are sending in donations to go into this very envelope.

                                      Ovarian Cancer Address

  A good time was had by all!

ActiveRain 9/29/2012 Chesapeake Beach

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