Quality and Quantity...Which is Important?
Quality and Quantity...Which is Important?
Inspired by Richard Weisser's post Quality v. Quantity reminded me of another post also about quality and quantity.
How can we relate this to real estate or other areas of our life?
When it is time to buy or sell a house, it is important to have an experienced person on your team.
One that does a couple of closings a year vs one that has a history of doing many successful settlements each year. Take a look at this example of making pottery.
Sometimes we can be so hung up on getting it right, something so exact, that we are paralyzed by trying for perfection. Not everyone you meet will be a client and you won't sell every listing. But if you keep networking, blogging, meeting people, sharing yourself and your ideas, you will find buyers, sellers and even make new friends. You might even get very lucky!
We need the right amount of both quality and quantity but at the right time.
Quality and Quantity...Which is Important?
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