Monday, February 16, 2009

Live Baltimore and a Book Signing

Live Baltimore LogoIt's a slogan, it's an attitude, and on Thursday it will be an event. The Live Baltimore Home Center is a nationally recognized, independent nonprofit organization committed to promoting the benefits of Baltimore City living.

Symphony Center LogoThis Thursday, February 19, city lovers are invited to gather from 5:30 to7:30 pm at the Symphony Center located at 1020 Park Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21201 to celebrate Baltimore’s neighborhoods and check-out Live Baltimore’s new redesigned website.

The Symphony Center Apartments offer a stunning venue for this fun event in the heart of the Mt. Vernon neighborhood.

The Proud AuthorWhat makes the evening special for me is that I'll be able to meet and talk with many top real estate professionals about my book – Live Baltimore has arranged for the event to include a book signing!

If that weren't enough to get you to stop by, there will be complimentary appetizers and free city life gifts for all.

So if you're anywhere near Baltimore on Thursday, plan to stop and say hello. Hope to see you there!

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